Many patients are unclear about the difference between tummy tuck, clinically known as abdominoplasty, and abdominal liposuction. Some even believe that they are one and the same. While the goal of both procedures is indeed the same – to produce a trimmer, more defined abdominal region – one procedure will likely be better suited to your individual case than the other. Dr. Gaines would be happy to discuss the issue of tummy tuck vs. abdominal liposuction in detail with you during a consultation at his Gainesville, FL plastic surgery practice so that you can make the most confident and informed decision about how to proceed with your body contouring treatment.
Are you likely to achieve the best possible results with tummy tuck? Or is abdominal liposuction the best option for you? Find out for yourself by scheduling your initial consultation with Dr. Gaines at Gaines Plastic Surgery today.
Candidates for Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that addresses excess skin and fat, as well as muscle laxity, in the abdominal region. The procedure can be limited in scope to just the area between the navel and the pubic area (mini tummy tuck surgery); or it can be expanded to include the entire abdomen, around to the flanks (i.e., the “love handles”) and the fatty deposits on the sides of the lower back (extended tummy tuck surgery). Conventional tummy tuck addresses the abdomen, per se.
During tummy tuck surgery, excess skin and fat are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened. Liposuction may be employed in the removal of fatty tissues; however, liposuction is just part of the tummy tuck procedure. Excess skin is surgically excised, and the remaining skin is pulled taut and sutured closed. Even the least invasive tummy tuck procedure is far more invasive than a liposuction-only procedure.
Candidates for tummy tuck surgery will want to address all aspects of their abdominal appearance – loose skin, excess fat, and lax muscles – whether they confine the procedure to a small portion of the abdomen or to the extended abdominal region.
Candidates for Abdominal Liposuction
Unlike tummy tuck surgery, abdominal liposuction addresses only excess fat in the abdominal region; even then, it is used only to target isolated pockets of accumulated fat. It does not improve the appearance of loose, hanging skin or lax musculature. Abdominal liposuction is potentially ideal for patients who are at or near their ideal weight, but who are struggling with stubborn deposits of fat that refuse to respond to diet or exercise.
Patients looking to lose substantial amounts of weight are not good candidates for abdominal liposuction.
Learn More about Tummy Tuck and Abdominal Liposuction
To determine whether tummy tuck or abdominal liposuction is right for you, please contact Gaines Plastic Surgery today.