Many patients have excess or loose skin that they would like to treat but do not want the scars associated with excisional procedures. BodyTite is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that gently treats fat in stubborn areas while tightening the skin, helping you sculpt your body into its ultimate shape. BodyTite is a revolutionary treatment option that works by destroying fat in your abdomen, legs, chest, and many other common problem areas. The device heats the skin internally and externally so skin contraction is optimized. BodyTite uses RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) technology that addresses some of the shortcomings associated with traditional liposuction or surgical body lifts. The procedure is done through small incisions much like in liposuction, leaving scars that ultimately heal into very light spots or disappear completely.
Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable after 6 months, and some improvement continuing up to 12 months. This is a function of the body’s response to the temperature-controlled thermal effects on the soft tissue and undersurface of the dermis that increase collagen and relative skin tightness through the healing process. Downtime may be 1-2 days to up to 10 days. Small sutures will be used to close the tiny incisions that give the BodyTite handpiece access to loose skin and stubborn fat deposits. These sutures are removed after 1-2 weeks. You will also be given a surgical compression garment to reduce edema (swelling) that will be worn for up to 6 weeks.
BodyTite is extremely versatile and may be used in many areas where skin laxity requires improvement. Some of the most common treatment areas are the stomach, arms, chest, knees, and inner/outer thighs. Multiple areas can be treated in one visit depending on which areas you would like to address. Click here to set up a consultation with Dr. Gaines to find out if you’re a candidate for BodyTite.