Have Your Upper Arms Taken On the “Bat Wing” Look?

arm lift stock 1 Sagging upper-arm skin is a difficult aesthetic issue to cover up. Finding a comfortable top that can cover up your upper arms can be challenge. If the issue is severe, your arms can take on the “bat wing” look, which will prevent you from feeling comfortable in anything that doesn’t fully cover them up.

If the appearance of your upper arms is having a noticeable impact on your quality of life, it may be time to consider getting an arm lift. The procedure will remove any excess skin and fat that is dangling from your upper arms. The remaining skin will be tightly pulled over the arm muscles to create a fit and toned appearance.

Contact Gaines Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation for your arm lift procedure. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Greg Gaines will provide you with results that restore your comfort with your appearance so that you feel comfortable in any outfit you choose to wear.

Schedule A Consultation

Please fill out the form below or give us a call to schedule your appointment.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know Dr. Gaines and our aesthetics team.
02. Discuss your personal concerns and goals.
03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

“From consultation to recovery Dr. Gaines and his staff were fantastic! My surgery was a breast reduction with a lift and I am beyond happy with my results. The surgery changed my life!”

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