A brow lift, also referred to as a forehead lift, is performed to eliminate the appearance of deep lines and furrows on the forehead. In many instances, a brow lift is performed in combination with a facelift or eyelid surgery / blepharoplasty in order to achieve a balanced, natural-looking result to facial rejuvenation surgery. We will be able to determine if you are a good candidate for a brow lift during your consultation at our practice.
During the brow lift procedure, one of several different approaches will be taken to allow Dr. Gaines to reduce forehead wrinkles and reposition the eyebrows. Often, if forehead wrinkles are not excessively deep, the brow can be lifted through a series of three very small incisions along the hairline that allow for release and lifting of the forehead tissues with the surgical endoscope. In addition to this Endoscopic Brow Lift, other approaches include an open incision across the top of the head (within the hair), or an open incision along the hairline on the forehead and temple. The final surgical plan will be decided upon by the patient and Dr. Gaines during the preoperative consultation visit.
When you visit our practice, we will be able to give you more in-depth post-surgical instructions following a brow lift. In general, it is recommended that patients refrain from strenuous physical activity for several days. Furthermore, we’d recommend that patients avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or heat for several months.
To schedule a consultation for a brow lift, contact our Gainesville, Florida practice today.